The online marketing space is crowded. Too many choices and ultimately confusing for many who dare not dip their toe in the water. It is no surpirse that social media marketing and networking appears to be growing, particularly on mobile.
Organic search for example has just become too difficult, unless you know what you’re doing or have access to a seasoned professional. Social media marketing is just too appealing for many demographics.
The infographic below from JBH and Smart Insights gives us a glimpse into the growing phenomenon of social media marketing in 2015 and beyond.
The importance of mobile users is clear, with a significant increase in social media usage pretty much across the board. Youtube and Facebook apps are killing it on Android smartphones. And while this
particular statistic is from USA, it mirrors global usage on desktops which is quite telling.
Most importantly, research from Smart Insights indicate that a massive 33% of marketers gave social media a medium-high rating, as opposed to 19% for display advertising and 23% for online PR.
So social media marketing must be doing something right . What do you think ?
If you u would like to learn more about how smart Social Media marketing can help propel your business online, please contact Hymie on 0414-329674, or at .