Amazon Bestseller Campaign
Amazon is the dominant force in self publishing. If you are considering self publishing, you simply cannot ignore this platform.
Traditionally, an author needed a bricks and mortar publishing house, and kind publisher to get their name in print. This certainly isn’t the case any more.
Amazon currently makes it relatively easy to publish online, and titles can be consumed on any digital platform, not just Kindles.
There are other platforms you can consider, and should consider, like Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble and so on. But no platform makes it easier to become a best seller than Amazon.
Amazon’s Best Seller Ranking System allows you to track how a publication ranks in numerous categories, an a skilled online publisher can help ensure that not only that you rank in the Top 100, but certainly in the Top 10, and often higher.
As Amazon has 13 world-wide ebook stores, including USA, Canada, UK, Spain, Italy, India, France and more, it is even possible to achieve international rankings, in multiple categories.
If you want to publish online and become an author, then you may need to consider creating and executing an Amazon Best Seller Campaign.
Being an author, and potentially a #1 International Best Seller positions you as an authority that can help grow your brand and business.
First consider the benefits already listed in the Self Publishing section and then read below for additional benefits.
Authority – Becoming an Amazon Bestseller is a form of Authority Marketing, and even Influencer Marketing. It provides you with another opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise.
Influence – With authority comes influence. One follows the other. One of of the most powerful ways of establishing yourself or your business as an influencer in your market, is to become an international bestselling author.
Reach – Amazon being the largest digital publisher provides you with enormous reach worldwide. The opportunity exists to have an English bestseller for example in non-English markets, such as India or Brazil. Alternatively, it’s possible to simply translate into another language and market your book in its native language in all markets.
Differentiation – Very few people have the opportunity to become a published author. Even fewer become best sellers. A fraction of those are international or #1 bestsellers. This strategy can be the differentiation you have been waiting for.
And much more …….
Start today …. see what information you already have that can repurposed to form a book.
Consider one key message than can be transformed into a chapter of a multi author book that would be marketed to become a best seller.
Rinse then repeat. Execute. Or read the next Tab and let us help you on your journey.
Firstly, rest assured, Webmentum adheres to all of Amazon’s Terms and Conditions, and adhere to best practices, and the highest ethical standards for publishing.
Webmentum is proud to offer a range of ways to help you achieve an Amazon Bestseller.
We can promote a book you already have, we can help you write your own book, and alternatively we can help manage outsourcing some or most of the content to a ghost writer.
All campaigns begin by working with you to create a bestseller strategy based on unique circumstances. This usually involves thorough competitor research.
We help:
- Set up the Amazon KDP account for your book
- Customise and optimise the account for search, keywords and categories ( departments )
- Set up your author account, customise and optimise
- Organise an ISBN ( if printed versions are in project scope )
- Open a Createspace account ( if printed versions are in project scope )
- Schedule the campaign and all its components
- Harness existing social media platforms for distribution and marketing
- Consult and advise on ancillary promotion opportunities
- Execute the best seller campaign
- Capture successful bestseller proof
And much much more!
Coaching and training are included.
Contact us today to see how Webmentum can help grow your business with an Amazon Bestseller Campaign.
Thought Leadership
The most meaningful way for you to differentiate yourself from your competition, is to be establish yourself as a thought leader, or authority in your niche. Competing on price is never sustainable, so that’s not an option.
In any case, do you want to be known as the ‘cheapest’ professional in your field. Prospects will be drawn to you naturally and ultimately join your tribe, if you empower them with valuable education.
KLT = Know -> Like -> TRUST
It’s generally appreciated that most prospects need to travel via the Know, Like, Trust journey, before they pay, or even accept a solution from you. The only sincere way of accomplishing this for your prospects, is to consistently provide value at each step of their purchasing journey.
As such, an Authority Marketing strategy and delivery can help you achieve this in many ways that benefit both you and your tribe. It’s a win for all involved.
Destroy ‘Imposter Syndrome’
Most successful people suffer from ‘Imposter Syndrome’ at one stage or another. This is where you doubt your own value and understate your accomplishments.
A professional Authority Marketing strategy can help defeat this feeling once and for all because the process involves creating and providing value consistently, which naturally leads to successful validation.