State of Social Media Marketing in 2015

The online marketing space is crowded. Too many choices and ultimately confusing for many who dare not dip their toe in the water. It is no surpirse that social media marketing and networking appears to be growing, particularly on mobile. Organic search for example has just become too difficult, unless you  know what you're [...]

By |2017-07-13T02:11:17+00:00September 26th, 2015|General marketing, Internet Marketing Tips and Strategies, Social Media|Comments Off on State of Social Media Marketing in 2015

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015

While creating a Top 10 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015 list, it was always going to be difficult to avoid mentioning content marketing. Now, content marketing has figured prominently in the last few years worth of predictions. Some may have been hoping that this was a fad, and a more convenient and less [...]

By |2024-02-03T12:24:01+00:00December 30th, 2014|Social Media|Comments Off on Top 10 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015

7 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2014

Want to know how social media is being used by marketers in 2014, and what strategies are proving effective ?   Our friends at Social Media Examiner recently commissioned its 6th annual 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report to understand how marketers are using social media.   Over 2,800 marketers were surveyed for this [...]

By |2017-07-02T09:21:36+00:00June 9th, 2014|Social Media|Comments Off on 7 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2014
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